Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tuesday Update

Hey All!!! So if you haven't heard, MYA IS HOME!! We kind of kept it a little secret, but we were told by her therapist on Sunday that she thought she could go home as early as Monday. Apparently before I got there on Sunday, Mya's docotor had done his rounds and told her that Mya has been doing fine and he would look at her chart on Monday and probably discharge her. She made that countdown that I talked about in the last update:) So I got to the hospital on Monday morning and we still didn't know for sure, but things got crazy cause the nurses we're preparing us to go home. We had pictures and all kinds of education. Lots of preparation and excitement. Things were just crazy. Mya's doctor did rounds at 10:15am and filled out her discharge papers then! I was so thrilled. I just couldn't belive it. Randy got off work at 4:15 and we picked her up and headed home! It was just surreal and everything happened so quickly!! We've been home all day and things are going great. XOXOXO Naomi, Randy, and Mya.

Mya in her carseat in the NICU, ready to head home. She loves her carseat and falls right asleep in it!

Mya's first time in her crib. We got her home and it was like, okay what should we do with her!? She was sleeping, so we thought, let's just put her in her crib:) She likes it:)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday Update

Things are going really, really well!!! Looks like Mya will definitly be home this week. Don't have a lot of time to write today, so will get back to you all soon. But, we're on the road home!!!!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Saturday and Sunday Update...

So Saturday was a very, very good day. Mya's doctor agreed to change her feeding goal from 100% to 80%. The order came into affect at 2pm on Saturday. We were there at noon to feed her and she did 80% then and did it again at 3pm and 6pm. My sister-in-law, Amy Miranowski's, sister Heidi (they also happen to be cousins of mine) said she had been praying for Mya and did an adoration for her on Friday and promised us that she would eat this weekend! And she has been! Prayer is an amazing thing and it's what's helping us to get through this. So, keep it up you guys. Randy just called the hospital to check on Mya, it's Sunday morning, because we were dying to know if she'd kept up the 80% all night, because at her 3pm feeding today that would mean she'd done it for 24hours and then she'd be one huge step closer to coming home. Well- just hit a road block at 9pm last night and didn't do much of her bottle at all, maybe 10%- so the countdown clock was reset. She's been eating 80% now since midnight last night- so 24 hours would be midnight tonight! The suspense is killing me and this little girl has no idea how much is riding on her eating that 80% of the bottle!! Once she does it for 24 hours, it's maybe another 24 hours to go through a discharge checklist of stuff and then she'll be HOME!!!!!! This is so HUGE you guys:) I'll keep you all in the loop. Below is pictures of Mya's room(s). All ready for her.

Randy and I just put her crib together this morning. Mya's nook upstairs in our bedroom.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Thursday and Friday Updates...

Hi all. So the last couple days have been the same old... Mya is still eating only 1/2 to 3/4 of her bottles, and is doing so inconsistently. They fed her through her feeding tube and didn't try the bottle for the last few nights and this didn't trigger or help her to feed during the day at all. They decided to go back to feeding her all day and all night with the bottle. Mya's occupational therapist (I've been calling her a physical therapist, but I guess that's wrong) said she was going to talk to her doctor today to try to convince him to change her goal from eating 100% of her feedings to 80% before she'd be on the road home. So hopefully she can work her magic and talk him into that. She's still gaining weight, keeping her temp up, etc. She maybe just doesn't need that entire bottle. Her doctor also increased her bottles to be filled from 45 millileters to 54 millileters. So, it's frustrating because you think jeez she can't even eat the 45 why do you want to give her more. She's probably stuck with a really low metabolism like her mommy:) Anyway, it's getting more and more frustrating every day and my patience with the nurses runs pretty slim sometimes. Some of the stuff they do, or don't do, just seems to be setting me off lately. Mya had yellow gunk in her eye when I got there yesterday and had a really, really red bottom. I called her nurse over to look at her bottom when I was changing her diaper and her nurse goes, "Oh, looks like she's sitting in wet diapers too long. I guess we'll have to change her more often." I was like, "NO SH$@*!" I'm so ready to take that kid home and take care of her myself that I could just SCREAM. Sorry, just had to vent. Grandma Lisa was up to visit yesterday and got to hold her for only the second time in her life:) So that was really nice. I'm getting much better at changing diapers and changing her clothes. I don't shake or sweat as much as I was:) She sure poops a lot! I changer her diapers every time I'm there no matter what because of the red bottom incident. So, I'm getting a lot of practice. I'm sure the nurses are ready to kick my ass out of there sometimes! Anyway- I'll update you again tomorrow. Have a great weekend everybody!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday Pictures!

Mya with her Auntie Ashley
This is the sleeper mom had a terrible time getting Mya into!

Wednesday Update...

Not a great day today...but not terrible, either. So they fed Mya through her feeding tube all night last night and didn't try the bottle, like they had planned. So, Mya's physical therapist and myself both thought she'd do really well with eating out of a bottle all day today. She should have been fully rested and ready to rock. Well, her nurse said that at her 9am feeding she was really sleepy and only did about 2/3. When I fed her at noon she did about 3/4. And that took some work. She does really well for the first 1/2 of the bottle and then just completely tuckers out and has to be pushed to do any more. Her PT and I only got a little burp out of her while we were feeding her, so when we were done I was just holding her and rocking her and she spit up HUGE all over me! Scared the crap out of me! I had to change all her clothes. It was the first time I had ever done changed her clothes and I was sweating when I was done! I had no idea it would be so hard to change her clothes. I'm really feeling like a NEW mom today. She gets so wiggly when you undress her that it's hard to get her arms and legs in the sleeper. Once you do she just pulls that right back out! I picked her up while I was dressing her and laid her on my shoulder and she felt so, so little! She feels almost weightless! Anywho- lots of action today, just not a lot in the feeding department. I'll keep you updated. Were also really excited that Aunt Amy and Uncle Matt will be coming up to visit us this weekend. Can't wait for them to see her!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Snug as a Bug in a Rug:)

Tuesday Update...

Still riding that stupid rollercoaster:) Mya has stalled they're telling me. She ate a full bottle, then half a bottle, then a full bottle, then a half a bottle, and so on. She's been doing this since Sunday. So, her doctor was in this morning and ordered the nurses to feed her through her tube all night long and then do the bottle just during the day. It sounds like a step backwards and I told her nurse that...but she assured me they do this to get them to "snap out of it" faster. If she's fully rested she'll be more ready to eat from a bottle all day and this will trigger her to do it all night as well. This does however put a delay on her coming home. Once she eats a full bottle for 24 horus straight her feeding tube will come out and they've now decided that after that they need to moniter her with a machine that reads her breating pattern for 24 hours. Her breathing is really shallow, so they just want to run that "test" to make sure before she goes home. Of course they don't do this breathing testing on Fridays or Saturdays (they have to get a special machine and person to administer the test), so it may be next week before she's able to come home...Arrgghh! If by the grace of God she eats really, really well tomorrow we may be seeing her at home this weekend. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Monday Update...

Hi All! The rollercoaster continues! Today was a good day. I got to the NICU this morning and her nurse grabbed me right away and said, "Mya ate a full bottle for me this morning!" So, she's done that twice at that point. I fed her at noon today and she did it again! So that's three times. Her physical therapist was there with me today at noon to help with the feeding and she really had to work with her to get her to finish the whole bottle, but she did it! At 3pm she ate half a bottle and ate half a bottle again at 6pm. One of the nurses told us that she needs to eat full bottles on her own for atleast 24 hours before she can go home. I told her physical therapist this morning that she's coming home with me on Friday, so she better get her ready:) She said she didn't think that was an unrealistic goal, but we have a lot of work to do to get her home this weekend. She's maintaining her body heat now with just one blanket and with no hat. It's just the feedings that she's being so stubborn about:) Second cousin Erika is coming to visit tomorrow, so we're really excited about that! I can't wait for her to meet everybody! She's so cute you guys! And she's a lot tinier in person than you'd think. She's wearing only preemie sized sleepers . All her newborn stuff looks so huge to me! And I thought that stuff used to look tiny. Her smallest newborn sleeper would be enormous on her. Anyway- I'll update everyone again tomorrow. I also took some pics of her today but forgot the camera in the NICU. I'll post them tomorrow. Signing out...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

New pics today...

Daddy feeding Mya her bottle.
Mya is back to her birth weight at 5lbs 11oz!

Sunday Update

Well- I always hated rollercoaster rides and that's exactly what's going on with Mya. A full bottle is 45 millileters and yesterday, like I wrote on the blog, she ate a whole bottle in just minutes. We got here today and her nurse said she's been only eating 5 mills today. I fed her at noon and she at 18 mills. Little stinker! It seems like when she has a good day and eats really well, the next day she's completely tuckered out and doesn't have enough energy to eat enough. She doesn't have a problem with sucking, swallowing, and breathing. She can do that. She just gets exhausted from eating and will just stop. She stares up at you with her beautiful blue eyes and you just know she's done. We're at the hospital all day today. Great Grandpa Bill and Great Great Aunt Joan will be visiting along with Grandma Steph. Great Aunt Donna and Great Uncle Jim along with Second Cousin Ali and Thrid Cousin Cade are home from Atlanta and they will hopefully get to see her today or tomorrow as well. Visitors are always welcome. If you come to see her when we're not here come up to the 6th floor and you'll have to buzz in to get into the maternity ward. Tell them you're here to see Mya Miranowski in the NICU. Once you're in just go up to a nurses station and tell them you'd like to see Mya in the NICU if they could please open the curtains so you can look at her through the window. (You won't be able to actually go in the NICU). If Randy and I happen to be here they will come tell us we have visitors. I'm here everyday for her noon and three o'clock feedings, and Randy usually is here for her 6 o'clock after he gets off work. I'll try to give you an update everyday as I've heard lots of you are checking the blog. Thanks to everyone again for your calls and emails of support!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

We're gettting somewhere!

So today is a good day! At 3pm today Mya devoured an entire bottle full! Unbelievable!!!!!! They used to have her in two receiving blankets and another fleece blanket to help keep her temp up and today she's down to just one receiving blanket and they've even let her go without a hat. They're just trying this out to see how she does. Hopefully her temp stays up. I'm here at the hospital now waiting to feed her again at 6pm. I'm praying she does just as well with this next bottle. The nurse warned me not to get my hopes up because she may have worn herself out now and not want to eat out of the bottle again tonight. I don't know....I think she will:) She looks great today and has been awake and I"m even thankful that she's been fussy today as well! Her daddy says she has my "attitude":) Of course Randy has been here with me all day too and says hello to everyone! I'll update you again soon as I just found that there's a computer right outside the NICU that I can use.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Look at Me!!

Mya is 1 week old today!

Mya Update

Mya still isn't eating consistently. She is, however, eating a lot more out of a bottle than she was. She went from eating 9 mills and 11 mills (less than 1/2 ounce) to 34 mills and 40 mills today (over an ounce). So she's really improved. But, she won't do this at every feeding, so we've still got some ground to cover. But, this is really good news today. I fed her at noon and she ate nearly a whole 1 oz bottle full and that was really cool to see her do. She's NEVER done that before:) She has a physical therapist that sits next to me as I feed her and she does all sorts of goofy things to keep Mya sucking on that bottle. I had no idea they had physical therapists for that sort of thing! She moves her jaw up and down and taps her top lip. Things like that. Mya is also struggling to keep her body temp up. She wasn't having a problem with this before, but they say know that she's exerting so much energy to feed this will happen. She's so little and I keep forgetting she was nearly 6 weeks premature. She looks so normal to me. She's wearing Premie sized sleepers, but her arms are so long that all the sleeves are too short:) Grandma Lisa says she has gorilla arms:) I think she gets that from her dad:) I'm sure you're also all wondering when in the world we think she'll be coming home. Well at first her doctor said to expect atleast by Monday (he told us this the day after she was born). I asked again today and they said they think that's too soon. Because she's been so inconsistent with her eating she needs to stay longer. The nurse today told me to use her due date as a goal and I about died when she said that. That's 4 weeks away and I just don't think Mya will be there that long. So please pray for us so that we can get her home before Aug 20 (her due date). Thanks to all of you for your emails and phone calls of support. Please bear with us as we try to get back to each of you. Keep checking in for updates! XOXO Naomi, Randy, and Mya.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mya Everly Miranowski has arrived!

An Update on Mya's condition: Mya is doing well. Her IV is out and she no longer needs the breathing tube. She has a tube that runs through her nose down into her tummy. They inject formula and mom's milk into this tube to feed her. She has eaten out of a bottle, but does really well one day and then wants nothing to do with it the next. As soon as she consistently eats out of a bottle we can take her home. You can about imagine how excited we are for that. She's back up to her birth weight, so that's really good. She digests all her food and is a really good burper! You don't even need to pat her back. You just lay her flat and she lets them rip! She's got reddish blond hair that kind of curls when it gets wet:) Mommy was praying for curly hair! She's perfect and we feel so, so blessed.
She's Here!!

Mya Everly Miranowski

5lbs 11oz

17 3/4 inches

born Friday July 13, 2007

Mya and her Great Grandma Beverly. We named Mya after Great Grandma. Her middle name is Everly...Beverly without the B.

Mya with lots of cords and tubing on day one. The tube over her nose is now gone and she' s breathing completely on her own.

Daddy completely worn out from all the excitement!

Monday, July 09, 2007



Can you believe this?? I was looking through pics on my camera this weekend and couldn't believe the difference between pregnant and not pregnant and had to share them with you guys. :) I miss me before:)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Ummmm- Name Game Back On??

Okay- so we have yet to come up with a name; for real. Yes, it was Sayler, but now we have decided that we don't like that (actually Randy finally threw a fit and said he hated it and he would not name his baby that, yadda, yadda, yadda), so we're searching again. I'm not sure what we're going to do. I'm so tired of looking for names. It would be nice if she just came out and said, "Mommy and Daddy please name me {insert beautiful, perfect name}." So- since I haven't posted pics on here FOREVER (I'm way to poofy, fat, and pregos to pose for pics), I decided I'd give you that quick little update. Also- a huge hug and thank you to all who came to my shower. It was overwhelming to see all of you and I was SO thankful to have you all be a part of it. The gifts were amazing and Randy, I, and baby are so very, very appreciative!