Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Shutterfly Photobooks

Even though I blog I still love to keep all my photos in albums.  But, not the traditional albums where you print all your pictures and slide them into slots.  I've started making photo books (two for every year) on Shutterfly.  I save them all on there and order one when they're running a good deal (they run deals where they go 40% off- like today).  So I just ordered one and once I placed my order, they let me copy a link so I could share it on my blog!  I thought, why not:)  This photo book is from a couple summers ago, so the pictures are a little dated.  Shutterfly has updated their design capabilities, so my newer ones are a lot more fun to look at:)  Click on the link to view:

Last Summer Photo Book

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

I hardly took any pictures this weekend.  We were just so busy having fun that I didn't have a chance to pick up my camera:)  Randy, Mya, and I headed out to the lake Saturday morning to spend the weekend with my dad, Ashley, and Ashley's boyfriend, Ben.  We spent Saturday riding 4 wheeler, playing darts in the grainary, and EATING!  Dad, Randy, and I finished up the night with the movie, Hangover 2.  Sick, but funny :)  Today Randy headed out with the guys to fish in SD.  Mya and I hung back at the lake and played bags, and Mya even went swimming in the lake today!  Grandma Jeanne, cousins, and aunts an uncles came out for a visit, too.  Of course we had to end the day with a trip to Granny's Pantry in Battle Lake for ice cream.  Mya and I packed up and headed home tonight and as we were driving down Papa's driveway towards home Mya said to me, "Mom, that was a really fun weekend!".  It was:)

Ben, Auntie, and Mya riding 4 wheeler around the yard.  That's Mya's crazy "need for speed' face:)

Mya had never seen a dart board before, but when it comes to ANY competitive sport, count her IN.  She was a natural.  She'd chuck those darts at the board and they'd actually stick!  She got two bull's eye's.  This kid is JUST LIKE her dad.  Super competitive and good at every darn game on the planet.  She kicked my butt.


Mya's last day of preschool was last week.  It was her turn to bring snack on the last day.  They were headed to the zoo for a feild trip, so we decided to do snack sacks:)  We made cookies, and also threw in little bags of cheese its and bottles of water.  Mya loves to cook and bake, so of course she was a big help:)

Monday, May 21, 2012

I Can't Believe I Did It

About a year and half ago I decided I wanted to be a runner.  I've always wanted to be a runner, but never thought I could actually do it.  I made a goal  to run five 5ks last summer and fall.  I started with just walking 30 minutes on the treadmill a few times a week.  There were days where walking that 30 minutes was tough.  My stubborn self would have to fight with my lazy self to get my feet to just keep going.  Then I started running for 2 minutes, walking for 10, running for 2, etc.  Those two minutes of running seemed like an eternity!  I could barely do it when I first started.  I would count down the seconds and at the end of those two minutes I felt like my legs just couldn't go any more!  Then after lots of determination and committment to the gym I trained and finshed a 10K at the Fargo Marathon last weekend!  I ran 6.4 miles in a little over an hour.  What!?  I had no idea I could do that.  It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life:)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hot Stuff!

It was 95 degrees on Friday!  Here's Mya in her first tank top outfit of the season:)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Summer Here We Come:)

If it's nice out you'll find Randy, Mya, and I hanging out in our backyard every day after work.  Tonight Mya and I decided to clean up some of the flower beds.  There were perennials all over this place when we first moved in.  I love flowers, but the beds were a mess.  We've been working on them little by little since the summer we bought the place.  I want to plant Zinnias behind the garage, so Mya helped me rip out what was there to make room for the new "rainbow flowers" that we'll plant tomorrow night.  Randy and I figured out pretty quickly that it was a lot easier to fill up the back of Mya's gator instead of the wheelbarrow because instead of pushing a heavy wheelbarrow back to the burn pile, Mya can just hop in her gator and drive back there.  Pretty good system we have going:) 
Loading up the gator!

Off to the burn pile!

Ready to dump!

Dakota got ahold of Mya's watering can and bit a hole in it.  Mommy fixed it with duct tape:)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!!

We spent part of this mother's day weekend in Minneapolis with my mom, sister, and Grandma Bev.  My mom took this video of Mya and I swimming at the hotel where my sister works.   My grandma is staying there for a few weeks as she's receiving oxegyn treamtments at the Hennepin County Medical Center for the ulcer on her leg.  She has 3 weeks left, I think, of treatments.  Pray for a speedy recovery for her:)