Friday, May 06, 2011

Spring Wrap UP!

Mya in her Easter Dress:)  She hates the camera, so YES these are the only pictures I got.  We did try to take some family shots and in EVERY SINGLE ONE she turned her head so we can't see her face. She's  such a pleasant child. 

My mom and I at the Komestakes Easter at my house...

Ready... Set... HUNT!


Family gathered around the table.  One of my favorite things...

Auntie Ashley with Jiggity Jasper:)

James, Keisha, and Randy

We finally broke down and got Miss Mya a Gator;)
We had a Bday party for Randy last night.  It's a long standing tradition in the Miranowski family that we ALWAYS get together for Birthdays.  ALWAYS.   Even when the Birthday Boy is an old fart!  Also- a long standing Miranowski tradition... competitive sports!  They spent the evening playing kick ball in our back yard.  Below you'll see that Mya is getting "trained-in!"

Playing the out field

The girls assembled a band and sang Happy Birthday to Uncle Randy:)

Missy Mya and the marching band

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