Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fargo Marathon!

Dad, Ashley, and I ran the 5K together Friday night of the Fargo Marathon

Dad finished in approx 26 minutes, Ashley in approx 30 minutes, and I finished in 32 minutes.  My goal was to RUN the WHOLE thing and I did just that!:)  There were 6500 people running/walking the 5K.  It took 9 minutes for the entire mob to cross the starting line!

Dad ran the half-marathon on Satuday morning.  Ashley and I snapped this picture of him at Mile 6.  About half way. 

I found this picture on The Forum website.... Not sure what mile this is, but some are still smiling!

Dad finished the half in just under 2 hours!  Very cool.  I'm super motived to up my goal and run the 10K next year.  Anybody wanna join me?:)


b. lee said...

ur dad is a super-star! congrats to u for achieving ur goal & running the whole 5k!!! 32 min. is AWESOME * *

Brittany said...

Love the pics Naomi! I told myself that I should make a goal to do the 10K next year and I am NOT a runner! Maybe I should start just with the 5K!

Anonymous said...

I'll do the 10k, I need some motivation to run! Tara