Monday, January 31, 2011

Pheasant Fest 2011

My friend, Keisha, and I are the BEST wives on the planet!  This past weekend we accompanied our lovely husbands to the National Pheasant Fest in Omaha, NE.  I don't know about Keisha's hubby, but my hubby proclaimed the trip to be a gift for me.  A chance for me to get away and take a break.  He was serious.  I do not pheasant hunt.  I have never handled a gun.  I don't own a lick of camo.  You get the picture.  My husband is, shall we say, OBSESSED with pheasant hunting.  But, I must admit...  The trip was a blast.  So much fun.  BUT, hubby, if you're reading this....  the next trip that you plan to "gift" me...  HAWAII BABY!!!

Hunting dogs EVERYWHERE.  Cutest part of the whole trip... even cuter than our hubbies in camo.

These are the doors to the bathrooms in an Bass Pro Shop that we went to in Iowa.

This photo was hanging on the wall in the same store.  This is SO Keisha, James, Randy and I.  Love it.

 The saying pretty much sums up my life in the fall.  The dude?  I have no idea.  He sold me the shirt and thought he'd better be in the picture??

I missed the little munchkin a ton.  Here's the hat daddy bought her.  She was very excited about it.  I am just glad it still had pink on it! 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mya's Dress Fitting

So Randy's sister is getting married on February 12th.  I'm a bridesmaid and have my first dress fitting tomorrow.  As I was getting stuff ready for that I thought I better try Mya's dress on her just in case it doesn't fit and I have to take that in as well!  Nothing like doing this stuff last minute...

Randy has one sister, Aleshia (the one getting married), and 3 brothers.  Aleshia has two daughters, Jude and Ellie.  Jude will be a Jr. Bridesmaid and Ellie will be the flower girl.  All of Aleshia's brothers are groomsmen in the wedding and the wives of the three borthers who are married (one of those wives is  me) are bridesmaids.  Sorry I'm trying to make this as least confusing as possible:)  Anyway, what I'm getting at is all of these married couples (Randy's brothers and sister) have kids.  All those kids are girls.  All six of them:  Jude, Grace, Penelope, Lillian, Mya, and Ellie.  And, they're all 7 and under.  So with all these couples being in the wedding we're all going to be wearing matching wedding attire.  We wanted the girls to have matching dresses as well so that our family pictures will look super sharp.  So, my mother-in-law and father-in-law bought the girls these dresses:)  Mya calls it her "wedding dress".

Green hair clip and striped socks will be upgraded for the wedding day!

My mother in law had bought them all these white faux fur baleros for Easter last year, so they'll be wearing these as well.  A little hilarious:)

In order to get Mya to smile for pictures I have to say funny things like "Chicken butt!", "Aligator boogers!".  This was her reaction:)

Mya in her "wedding dress"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Winter Wonderland

As of this past Monday it had snowed 19 days in a row here.  Yes, that's right, 19 days in.a.row.  We have snow coming out of our ears!  I've been told we have a total of 29 inches of snow on the ground. That sounds about right.  Not only that, but today it was seven degrees BELOW zero when I went home for lunch.  With the wind chill, the lovely weather man just told me on the radio that it actually feels like TWENTY SEVEN degrees below zero outside.  Seriously!  Our whole neighborhood is blindingly white.  Everyone's yards are white, the roads are white, the sky is white......  This morning I drove out of my garage and right into the ditch on the other side of the road!  Sunk my car so far in snow that I couldn't even open the driver's side door to get out.  Mya is in her carseat in the back seat screaming, "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!"  I told her everthing was okay, Mommy had just driven the car right into the ditch.  She told me the cops were going to come and get me!  Ha!  So I crawled over the center counsel and exited my ditched car through the passenger door.  Thank goodness Miss Mya was in the carseat behind the passenger seat.  I unloaded her, went in the house, called my work to tell them I would be late, called Mya's preschool to tell them she would be late, then called my lovely husband to come pull me out.  He was thrilled.  You see, it wasn't snowing, it wasn't windy.  It was actually a sunny morning and he just couldn't understand how I ended up in the ditch. Right in front of our house.  Well, Mya told him when he got there that "Mommy just drove straight in the ditch, Daddy!  I'm going to be late for preschool!"  Thanks for ratting me out, Mya!:)"  I told him the sun was too bright and that everything is white and the ditches are full of snow, so they're level with the road and I just couldn't even tell where the road was!  "Uh, huh", was his answer to that.  He promptly pulled me out of this mess and Mya and I were finally off to school and work! No big deal, just another day in the artic tundra!  Anyway, all of this just got me thinking about the state of our little town because of all of this snow and cold.  It is actually quite amazing.  It's amazing how we all survive.  I grew up in this and we all just throw our flip flops in storage come September and pull out the parkas, boots, and gloves.  It's just a part of life:)  We go from lounging on rafts at the lake when it's 90 degrees and sunny out to tromping through 2 feet of snow to get to our front door:) I know some of my readers live in much warmer places and I really am posting this for you guys so you can see what it's really like here:)  I'm pretty proud to be a Minnesotan/North Dakotan (we live in a border town) and even though winters can be VERY tough around here, it's a pretty special place to live.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

It's All Wrapped Up

I love Christmas, but it sure was a good feeling to take everything down and get it packed away again.  Christmas can just be exhausting.  I had Monday off, so Mya helped pick every piece of Christmas up from around the house and brought it to the dining room table.  It was my job to wrap and pack.  Mya woke up from rest time and saw that I had taken all the ornaments off the tree and tears started to roll!  We made a deal and I agreed to let her keep the tree up in her room for a little while longer:)  Hopefully it's not still there on Valentines Day!:)

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Christmas Thank You 2010

Many Memories Tree Holiday Thank You 3x5 folded card
Turn your photo into this year's holiday party invitations.
View the entire collection of cards.