Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Something a Little Different

Well, I don't know about you, but I must admit that I constantly find myself peering past cute kids' faces in the pictures on my friend's blogs to try to get a glimpse of their homes and how they decorate and "live" in them.  I'm a house junkie.  I love houses and decorating. I thought I'd switch things up a little bit and post some pictures of our own house in my favorite state:  DECORATED FOR FALL!:)


James, Keisha, Nevaeh, Bodin, Jaxtin said...

If I didn't recognize your house, I would have thought these were from a magazine. GREAT pictures!

Boondocks MaMa said...

Keisha- Thanks! I edit my pictures at to get them to look soft and "professional". It's awesome!

Sarah said...

Where are the squirrels? Not at all what I imagined your house to look like! :) Super beautiful!

Sarah said...

I didn't review that comment well enough, so I want to make sure it wasn't offensive...just stories told might lead me to believe that things would look differently. MY house looks like dead squirrels belong on the walk permanently. Yours looks like something from a fancy magazine!

Boondocks MaMa said...

Totally understand Sarah! Lol! THANK YOU!