Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Something a Little Different

Well, I don't know about you, but I must admit that I constantly find myself peering past cute kids' faces in the pictures on my friend's blogs to try to get a glimpse of their homes and how they decorate and "live" in them.  I'm a house junkie.  I love houses and decorating. I thought I'd switch things up a little bit and post some pictures of our own house in my favorite state:  DECORATED FOR FALL!:)

Monday, September 27, 2010

I LOVE weekends!

 We went to Hutchinson this weekend for my cousin's wedding.   Traveling can be very stressful for our little family, but we still had a good time:) 

Off we go back home...
Randy's dogs hanging on the deck after we got home.  Randy is in the house and they won't leave his side.

Mya refusing to look at the camera and say cheese.  Here she is walking her babies around in the backyard.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hey You Muddy Butt!

Randy had some gravel hauled in and is doing some dirt work in our backyard.  Of course, Mya had to be right in the middle of all of it all... literally!

Mya knows exactly which one of these machines is a Bobcat and which is a tractor backhoe.  I thought I came home from the hospital with a baby girl???

This is what happened after sliding down the giant gravel pile!

Here's a close up for your viewing pleasure:)

I NEVER can get her to look at the camera, so this is a special picture of this crazy munchkin!
Another great smile from my girl!

The shoes did not fair well this day either, but Mya sure had fun.  That's what clearenced play shoes are for, right!?

Making Play Doh!

Mya's preschool teacher has homemade playdoh in her class room and the kids love it.  Mya said, "it's awesome."  Well I will not be outdone!  So, Mya and I made our own batch at home!  Wow is it STICKY till it cools!

Friday, September 17, 2010


Has anyone out there ever tried to print their blog?  When I print, the background doesn't print.  It disappears and just prints a white background.  Anyone out there know how to print with the backgrounds (I use those on blogger or could you post instructions on my comments?  THANK YOU!


Hello All-  We finally got a nice new printer at home, so I'm going to be working on printing out my blog posts from the very beginning so that I can put them in a scrap book.  I'll be changing the backrounds sporadically to match the time/post I'm printing.  Just FYI, so you're not wondering what's up when you check my blog and it has an Easter background, etc...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oh Geez!

Randy went to Hay Days yesterday and got Mya a very special present- a 4 wheeler!!  She was in bed when he got home with it last night, but knew it was coming.  She got up very early, saw that her daddy was in bed and knew that her 4 wheeler must be home, too!  She ran out to the truck in her jammies to meet it:)
Daddy also picked out a matching pink and glitter helmet!
"Where's the gas?"
Grandpa Merrill came later this morning to help daddy get it off the truck!
And Keisha- it is MUCH bigger than I thought it was going to be! Eeek!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Headwaters Days in Breck/Wahp

Jaxtin sat back and chilled during the parade:)
Really cool horses.  Mya loved them.
Taking a break to munch on a tootsie roll and inspect the "goods"
Mya sharing with Bodin
Playing in the jumping castle down at the park

It's like Halloween!!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Mya's First Day of Preschool!

Mya with her special Dora backpack
Mya with Justin and Paul (both go to Mya's daycare)
In the hallway by her classroom door..