Friday, October 03, 2008

We're Moving

So, many of you already know that we're moving onto the farmplace we bought this summer. But, thought I'd fill you in on all of the details:) Randy and I bought a farm just 1 mile N of Abercrombie, ND this summer. We plan to build there....eventually:) We found a buyer for our house a little earlier than planned, however, so we're moving out there next week. We bought a shiny new double wide mobile home:) and it gets placed at the farm on Monday. We plan to full force move next weekend, the 10th and 11th. We hope to be completely out of our house and into the new house by the 15th. I'm really sad to be leaving my little house in Kent, but know that down the road we'll be on to bigger and better things.This is the spot on the farm where the double wide will sit.

Here's the double wide we bought as it sits, now, in a trailer park in Wahpeton.

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