Sunday, March 30, 2008

Out Visiting

Last week Mya and I went to visit Grandma Bev in Fergus. Cousins Erika and Noah came over for a visit. It was so nice to see you guys!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Pretty Girl!
Mya and her second cousin Beth. Mya loves Beth! They're going to become good buddies this summer as Beth will be watching Mya at our house.
Mya and her cousin Grace
This didn't quite work out as well as the mommies were hoping:) We're going to do it every year to watch how much they grow!

4 Generations

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!

Thank you Ya Ya for the massive Easter basket!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Some Misc Photos

Mom was here last weekend to watch Mya as I had a booth for Luhman Real Estate at the Home and Garden Show in Wahpeton. Thanks for all your help mom and for bringing her to the show to see me!

Mom and Mya at our booth
Mya in the pretty sweater outfit Grandma got her and insisted in dressing her up in:) I have to admit she does look pretty darn cute in it. I love the hat!
Mya only seems to cuddle like this with her YaYa and I just had to get a picture of it. So Sweet!

On Sunday we met Grandpa Joe at church in Breckenridge because we won't see him on Easter Sunday. He brought Mya a very cute Easter basket. Inside was the frog teether, some candy, and a gift certificate to Wal-Mart. Of course mommy went straight to Wal-Mart and spent it on some really cute stuff for Mya. Thanks Grandpa and Jeni!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spring is Here!

It was so warm in our house yesterday that the thermostat said 80! Mommy took my pants off so I could cool down on the floor.
Mommy said it's time to put my snowsuit away- yippie!! My Great Aunt Melinda got me this super cute pink spring coat that mommy finally let me wear. I love it! Thanks aunt Melinda!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Then and Now...

I've been wanting to do this for a long time and finally had a chance to do it tonight. I can't believe how fast my baby has grown. She honestly didn't seem to me like she had grown THAT MUCH! I can't even believe how small she really was. I just think these pics are amazing!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Girl's Night Out!

So tonight was the annual Pheasant Banquet in Mantador that Randy always goes to with Curt Berg, Rance Berg, Josh Hasbargen, Jason Andel, etc. Well this year, Curt's wife, Sue (my friend Kari Hasbargen's Mom) decided to have a girl's only Pheasant party at her house. So all us gals got together with our little mini gals and had a night out (well really it was kind of a night in, but still it was so much fun)! Thanks Sue for a great time!

Here's Mya with Paityn and Jamie Andel's little girl Anneesa. Mya is 7 1/2 mos old, Paityn is 10 1/2 months old and Annesa is 7 mos old.

Mya completely crashed after a fun night with the gals!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Weekend at Ya Ya's!

We took a trip to RidgedaleMall and Mya enjoyed the selection of hats that Ya Ya tried on her.

Eating some carrots at the mall and watching all the people walking by.
Sitting in the exosaucer Ya Ya got and watching Baby Einstein

So happy to be at Grandma Lisa's! p.s. mom, we love these jammies you got Mya. She's worn them twice this week while she was home with me. They're the perfect sick day jammies!