Friday, June 04, 2010

California Trip

This is "The Strand"  It's a concrete walking path that runs the enitre length of Manhattan Beach.  It was filled with walkers and runners every morning.
Just a couple of the houses along the strand.
The Manhattan Beach Pier
This is one of the shots I got of the beach house where the Showtime series "Weeds" was filmed last season.  It's in Manhattan Beach.  Ashley and I biked to it.  It's the little cottage in the middle.
Here's the beach house that Donna and Kelly lived in on Beverly Hills 90210!  It was in walking distance of our beach house rental.  So COOL!
This is NOBU restaraunt at an outdoor mall type deal in Malibu.  We passed Jennifer Aniston's previous beach house on the way here as well as Courtney Cox's current residence.  Nobu is said to be one of Jennifer's favorites and she still frequents it.  We didn't see her:)
Just a cool house across the street from us.
Our beach house is the last on the right.  Right on the strand/beach.
If you look hard enough you'll see the Hollywood sign.  I can't believe I didn't get a better shot of this!
The actual Beverly Hills sign.  The Beverly Hill Star Homes tour was my favorite part of the trip.
This is Christina Aguilera's home.  She bought it from the Ozbourne's (as in Ozzy) and it was used in the filming of the Ozbourne's reality show.
This is the gate to Nicholas Cage's home.  I took a picture of it because the white piece of paper taped to it means that it's in foreclosure!
This is the mansion used for the establishing shots for The Fresh Prince of Bel Air!
This is Simon Cowell's home in Beverly Hills (I can't believe how close we were to it.)  His Land Rover was parked in the drive way!
This is the only picture I got from our trip to the Chelsea Handler show.  That's Chuey (sp?), her "little person" assistant arriving to the taping.
Here's a better pic of the Weeds house
This is Paris Hilton's parent's new house in Beverly Hills.
And, finally!  This is the Spelling Compound behind the trees in Beverly Hills. 

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