Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Newest Cousin, Ellie's, Baptism

Mya just would NOT cooperate to take this photo of all the girls!

We finally got her to sit next to Popi, but she wouldn' t face the camera- she's such a turkey!

Now she's facing the camera, but had scooted away! Notice how all the other girls haven't moved and are ready to take this pic:)

AAARRGGH! FINALLY! And, that sweet little smile was worth all the work. Is it a smile or an ornery smirk? Hmmm....

From left- Jude holding Ellie (Aleshia and Steve's), Grace (Steve and Colleen's), Lily (Matt and Amy's), Penelope (Matt and Amy's), and last little Ms. Mya (ALL MINE!).

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