Okay, so she was nine months old a week ago. I just finally got around to taking her 9 mo. pic. She's wearing a outfit I bought her before she was born that I thought she'd be able to wear in the middle of the summer. Well....she's pretty much grown out of it already:)
Grandpa Merrill bought the girls a very cool PINK 4- wheeler!! We just had to get over there today to check it out. Jude rode around on it all afternoon and I joined her on the big one for a little bit, too. She's a much better driver than I am!! So FUN!! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Miranowski!
We went to help Auntie find a wedding dress this weekend and this is Mya hanging out in the dressing room. I just had to put a pic on here with this headband on her. Daddy thinks it's ridiculous. We say he just doesn't understand fashion. We think it's FIERCE!
Happy 1st Birthday Paityn! It was Mya's friend Paityn's first Birthday today, so we went to help celebrate at Chuck E. Cheese in Fargo. Mya's cousins Popi and Lily were also there along with their Mom and Dad Amy and Mutt.
Just some random pictures that I hadn't gotten a chance to post til now. Lost my camera for awhile, so that's the reason for the delay of the Easter pictures.
Mya with her Easter basket from Grandma Steph and Grandpa Merrill